In 2003, Benjamin Black and Chris Pinkham presented a document which represented how Amazon's own internal infrastructure should look like. They suggested selling it as a service and prepared a business case.
SQS was officially launched in 2004
And Amazon Web Services were Officially launched in 2006
In 2007, there were over 180,000 developers on the platform
In 2010 , all of the moved over
In 2012, First re:Invent Conference took placed
In 2013, AWS launched the certifications
In 2014, AWS committed to archieve 100% renewable energy usages for its global footprint
In 2015, AWS breaks out its revenue $6 Billion USD per year & growing close to 90% yearly
In 2016, AWS Run rate was of $13 billion USD.
In 2017 AWS re:invent releases a host of Artificial Intelligent Services. And The Run rate hits $27 Billion USD
In 2018 AWS launched Machine Learning Specialty Certifications and focused on automating Al & ML.
In 2019 Alexa Specialty Beta Certificate Launched.